
Friday 20th – Saturday 21st June - 2025
Age Requirements
Age is determined as at Friday 20th June - 2025
Minimum age for competition is 30 years
Age Divisions
30-40, 41-50, 51- 55, 56-60, 61-70
Age is determined as of Friday 20th June - 2025. Minimum age is 30 years.
Fighters may be matched across age divisions provided there is no more than 10 years separating the fighters.
Over 70 ? We are sorry but there are no divisions for over 70’s in MBI or MBA competitions
Event Divisions (4 limit)
Men and Women: There’s a limit of 4 fighters allowed per division.
Tournament Fight Format
All divisions will fight over 3 x 2 minute rounds
Winners advance to the next round. (Elimination format)
Event Divisions
Men and Women:
Cadet Class Division (0) fights
Combat Class Division (1-5 fights)
Open Division 6 + fights
Weight Divisions:
Light Weight (50.1kg – 57.5 kg) - Female Only
Welter Weight (57.51kg – 65.0 kg)
Middle Weight (65.1kg – 72.5 kg)
Light heavy Weight (72.51kg – 80.0 kg)
Cruiser Weight (80.1kg – 87.5)
Heavy Weight (87.51 kg – 95 kg)
Super heavy Weight (95.1kg –102.5kg)
Open Weight (102.5+)
Tournament Briefing -Thursday 19th June - 2025
Tournament briefing (for athletes and trainers): 6:00pm at the Lonestar Tavern. This is an informal briefing session for boxers and trainers by the Tournament Director and covers the tournament structure, trainer requirements and an opportunity for Q&A’s. Recommended, but not compulsory.
Compulsory Weigh-in - Friday 20th June - 2025 – All registered boxers
7am – 9am. There will be a single compulsory weigh-in on the morning of the first day of the competition for all boxers, no exceptions. (Dehydration and resultant boxer collapse is one of the most dangerous aspects of the sport. A single weigh-in aims to eliminate this factor. Nominate your fighting weight from the start.)
Event Schedule (subject to change)
Friday 20th June :
Session 1: 1pm– 5pm
Session 2: 6pm – 10pm
Saturday 21st June :
Session 3: 1pm – 4pm
Session 4: 6pm – 10pm
Boxers must be available all 2 days. Any requests to fight on a certain day/session or corner colour requests will not be considered.
Each competitor is required to pay a registration fee of $160AUD and be a current member of MBI.
MBI registration here https://form.jotform.com/Jack_Boote/mbi-new-member-registration-form-20
LONESTAR TAVERN - Cnr Markeri & Sunshine Blvd, Mermaid Waters, QLD, 4218 - GOLD COAST
Entries Close
Additional Information
MBI Membership Requirement
All boxers must be registered with Masters Boxing International (MBI). You will require an MBI membership number to complete your online entry into the event.
Titles & Awards
🏆 Open Class winners in each division will be awarded the prestigious MBA OCEANIA TITLE AND BELT
🥇 Combat Class winners Awarded Medals
🥇Cadet Class winners will receive medals .
🥈 Runners-up in all divisions will receive silver medals.
Competition Category
All competitors will participate as Masters Boxers.
Equipment Requirements
All boxers will wear 16oz MBI-approved gloves.
Gloves and headgear will be provided, but you may use your own open-face headgear if it is approved by the Marshall.
Required personal gear includes
Red and blue singlets
Cup protector
Boxing shorts with a clear waistband – black shorts and singlets are allowed; however, if both boxers are wearing black singlets, the red corner retains preference, and the blue corner must change to blue.
Tournament Draw & Weigh-In
Friday 20th June – All registered boxers
7am – 9am. There will be a single compulsory weigh-in on the morning of the first day of the competition for all boxers, no exceptions. (Dehydration and resultant boxer collapse is one of the most dangerous aspects of the sport. A single weigh-in aims to eliminate this factor. Nominate your fighting weight from the start.)
Tournament draw posted: Approximately 10 am, with bouts commencing at 1.pm
Medical & Match Clearance
A ringside Doctor will be available one hour before the start of each session. All boxers must be cleared by the doctor before being permitted to compete.
Medical clearance (Fitness to Box) and Serology results – both must be current within 12 months of 20th June 2025
Former Professional Boxers
Former professionals may not compete in the MBA GOLDEN GLOVES if they have fought professionally within the last 24 months.
Trainers must be aged 16 or older and MBI accredited. Only one trainer is permitted in the ring before, during, and after the bout.
To become an MBI Accredited Trainer, individuals must successfully complete an online multiple-choice exam consisting of 30 questions. This exam primarily covers:
Dress Code guidelines for fighters, trainers, and cornermen
Basic rules of Masters Boxing International (MBI)
Specifications regarding weight categories, experience levels, and age requirements
The exam is provided online and free of charge. Each trainer nominated by a registered fighter will receive an invitation to complete the exam via email.
Once accredited, each trainer will receive their digital accreditation license via email. This license must be presented to gain free entry each day of competition.
MBI accreditation will be available on May 1st 2025.
Fighters Without Trainers
Trainer Availability:
If a fighter does not have a personal trainer at any event, we provide well-qualified trainers who can step in as your trainer. -
Important Requirement:
Fighters without trainers must attend the tournament briefing. At this briefing, you will be introduced to your assigned trainer. -
Trainer Qualifications:
All our trainers are highly qualified and experienced. Fighters at previous events have consistently reported positive experiences with their assigned trainers.
Judging & Sanctioning
All bouts are judged using a professional and fair scoring system based on international Masters Boxing protocols.
All results and decisions are final.
The tournament is organised and presented by Masters Boxing International in conjunction with Masters Boxing Australia Inc, and is sanctioned by MBI.
Doors open for spectators 30 minutes before the session start.
Tickets available at the door and at event bright
Contact- Boxing Enquiries
Jack Boote
Tournament matchmaker